October 4-6, 2018 Cebu Institute of Technology University, Cebu City, Philippines

The Computing Society of the Philippines (CSP) invites your Institution to participate and submit papers in the 1st Information Computing Education (ICE 2018). The CSP organizes this conference to enable local and neighboring computing educators, researchers, ICT professionals and students to interact and to share their work in computing, computer science, computer engineering, computational science, and information and communications technology (ICT). The conference features special lectures by prominent researchers and educators in the field of information and communications technology (including computing, computer science, computer engineering, computational science, and related disciplines). It also features contributed research papers on computing and ICT.
ICE 2018 is organized by the Computing Society of the Philippines (CSP)– Special Interest Group in Computing Education (CSP SIG-SpICE) and Cebu Institute of Technology University (CITU) , Cebu City, Philippines
Conference Chair: Dr. Jaime DL Caro ,University of Philippines Diliman
Program Co-Chair:Dr. Gregg Victor Gabison ,University of San Recoletos, Cebu City
Program Co-Chair:Dr. Randy S. Gamboa ,University of Southeastern Philippines
Local OrganizingChair:Dr.CherryLyn Sta..Romana,Cebu Institute of Technology University
Website: https://sites.google.com/site/1stice2018ph/
Call for Papers
Conference Topics
Computing Education
- Collaborative Learning
- Courseware Development
- Instruction Support Tools
- Distance Learning
- E-Learning
- Knowledge-Based Systems
- Learning and Content Management Systems
- Mobile or Web-Based Learning
- Technology for Teaching and Learning
- Information Systems in Education
- Social and Professional Issues in Computing
Computer Science and Special Topics
Artificial Intelligence
Affective and Empathic Computing
Natural Language Processing
Theory and Algorithms
Other Computing topics such as Networking and Pervasive Computing
Information Systems
- Decision Support Systems
- Expert Systems
- IT Planning, Management and Governance
- Management 2018 Information Systems
- Enterprise-wide Systems
- Information Security
Information Technology
- Mobile Applications
- Networked Systems
- Software Engineering
- Virtualization
- Multimedia Systems
- Game Development
Library and Information Science
- Competitive Intelligence
- Information Architecture
- Information Governance
- Knowledge Taxonomies
- Social Media Analysis
Computer Architecture
Software Engineering
Computer Applications
E-Based Communities
Theoretical Computer Science
Computer Engineering
High Performance Computing
Parallel Computation
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished full research papers for presentation at ICE 2018.
The Conference Review Policy requires that each submitted paper will be peer-reviewed and accepted by at least two reviewers for inclusion in the conference program and proceedings in digital format. At least an author of each accepted paper is required to register and attend the conference to present.
The full papers are due by August 31, 2018. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by August 31, 2018 via e-mail. The final version of the paper is due on September 11, 2018. A maximum of fifteen pages, including an abstract of up to 200 words will be allowed for each accepted paper in the proceedings.
All manuscripts must be submitted electronically, in PDF format and formatted using the ACM Master Article template available at https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template.
Please submit your paper (in PDF) to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ice20181
You have to create first an account at www.easychair.org in order to submit your papers.